“We love because He first loved us.”

— 1 John 4:19



  • Why Momentum Christian Fellowship?

    In Matthew 28:19, Jesus directed his followers to “Go out and make disciples in all the nations.” This command is commonly referred to as Christ’s “Great Commission.” As a body of believers who seek to follow the example and direction of our Lord, we believe God has set us in motion to actively share His love and truth with the world around us. This requires more than just a passive understanding of the purpose of Christ’s Church. It involves maintaining a constant awareness of the mission to which we are called and continuously seeking opportunities to positively impact the lives of others with the truth, love, and compassion of Christ.

  • Who are we?

    Momentum Christian Fellowship is a group of believers in Jesus Christ, drawn together by the common desire to continuously grow in our relationship with Him and to visibly display His love and truth to those around us. Our members come from a variety of diverse backgrounds and experiences, yet are united around the common goals of knowing Christ and making Him to others.

  • What can I expect?

    At Momentum, we always seek to maintain an open, warm and inviting atmosphere for people at all stages of their spiritual journey. We welcome you to come as you are. Our Sunday services are centered around contemporary worship and the practical teaching of God’s Word. Additional small group meetings throughout the week provide opportunities to dig deeper into the truths of scripture and to experience the fellowship, support, and encouragement of other believers.

  • How can i get involved ?

    We invite you to visit one of our Sunday services and to consider becoming a part of one of our weekly discussion groups. If you have a need or would like to speak to our pastor, please contact us at: info@momentumfellowship.org. Our desire is for you to feel welcomed, valued and loved at Momentum Christian Fellowship.

welcome video

United by Christ