Support Zoe International
Support Zoe International through Cheryl Rams’ participation in their RescueWalk
Launch Sunday!
Join us and bring a friend to our Launch Sunday, October 24th 2021 at 10:00 AM! Celebrating our first, regular Sunday morning services and commemorating Momentum’s new site…
Boxes of Blessings!
Our Boxes distribution will be Saturday, November 20th, 2021 and there are so many ways to serve in this ministry- click through to sign up!
Falloween Festival
Invite your friends and family for our Falloween Festival- Saturday October 30th 5:00-7:00 PM at Nova Community Church- Click through for more details!
B.L.E.S.S. Video
Click through here to find the LINK to the B.L.E.S.S. video mentioned in the small group material this week!
New Place, New Time!
Beginning Sunday October 3rd at 10-11 AM, Momentum Christian Fellowship will be meeting at the Southern California Regional Occupational Center or SCROC at 2300 Crenshaw Blvd, Torrance. Please join us at our new time and location!
Welcome! Updates to Come
Welcome to Momentum Christian Fellowship’s new web presence!
A Great Sendoff
Sunday morning August 29th was filled with the love of God’s family as Nova Community Church commissioned our church plant…
Community Bike Day Success!
We had a great day Saturday, July 10th at our first ever Community Bike Day!…